In Moscow gradually began to lift the restrictions previously in connection with the epidemic of the coronavirus. From June 1, citizens will be able to walk in the parks and play sports on the street. Will also begin to open stores, shops and shopping centres, businesses providing consumer services.

However, the risk of Contracting COVID-19 is not yet over. How not to catch the virus in public places, said in an interview with “Evening Moscow” clinical pharmacologist, doctor of medical Sciences Andrey Kondrakhin.

judge urged to be wary of shops of cosmetics and perfumes: samples of products – a real hotbed of infection.

“It was a big problem even in coepidemics era, noted Kondrakhin. – So today, remember this and begin to treat campaigns in beauty shops more careful.”

you can become Infected and trying on clothes. Even if we assume that nobody’s touched it up to you during the fitting, the infection can get into the body of a man with his own gloves.

Cinemas and gym remain closed, but when you open them, have to comply with the precautions and there. According to the expert, in the halls between sessions will be required sanitization, nevertheless, means of individual protection should not be neglected. In his opinion, to watch a movie too, should be wearing masks and gloves.

“you can’t eat with the mask on the face and certainly not worth taking food with gloved hands so that the popcorn and drinks disappear,” added Kondrakhin.

In the gym, he said, should disinfect all the objects to which the person touches. In addition, there is a critical need to keep a safe distance. Sports equipment is also a concern: they should be not less than five feet from each other. You should train in a mask and cotton gloves, rubberized on the palm side.

When visiting the beauty salons you need to pay attention to the shape of odIDI staff: employees should not only be wearing masks and gloves, but also wear caps and disposable lab coats that are supposed to change every two to three hours. If possible, it is better to come to the salon with their instruments, he said.

Previously, the CPS has issued guidelines for movie theaters, how to organize the work during the spread of the coronavirus. They said, inter alia, that all employees of the theater must be provided with disposable masks, gloves and disinfectant wipes and antiseptics for the hands. The Agency also recommends the intervals between sessions of at least 30 minutes for airing and cleaning of rooms.