the Libyan Parliament, sitting in the East, voted for the rupture of relations with Turkey. While the Libyan national army commanded by Marshal Khalifa Haftar, instructed to close all border checkpoints, airports, seaports, reports RIA Novosti with reference to the satellite channel “al Arabiya”.
Since 2011, when he was killed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, Libya ceased to be a single state. Now in the East (Benghazi) seat elected Parliament, and in the West (Tripoli) — the national consensus government, formed with the support of the UN and the European Union. The East has partnered with the Libyan national army, Haftorah, which recently announced a General mobilization to confront the foreign troops. Haftar has repeatedly tried to seize Tripoli.
in addition, the Libyan deputies decided to close the Embassy of Turkey in that country. The Parliament also called on international organizations including the UN security Council, the Arab League and the EU to withdraw the recognition of the government in Tripoli (it is headed by Fayez Sarraj).
Earlier, the government in Tripoli has asked Ankara for military help in connection with another attack Haftorah on the capital. January 2, Turkey’s Parliament majority supported this request.