Scientists have identified stem cells from human kidney and urine researched them. Doctors hope that a new source of stem cells to help many patients.
Achievement is described in a scientific paper published in the journal Scientific Reports.
one in Every nine people in the world suffers from this or that disease of the kidneys. It is more than 850 million people in need of assistance. Not all ailments can be cured by medicines. Often requires transplantation, and donor organs, as always, not enough. A promising alternative to transplant — stem cell treatment.
As we know, stem cells differ in the cells of some tissues they can be converted. There are pluripotent cells that can become part of any tissue. There are more specialized cells that could, for example, the “building blocks” of muscle or connective, but not the nervous tissue. There are even more specialized “comp”.
more specialized Than a stem cell, the less likely that its development will go the wrong way. Kidneys the ideal would be to treat cells-the precursors of the tissues of the kidneys. However, immediately the question arises, where to get them.
the Human kidney have a supply of stem cells. To remove, usually requires a biopsy. This is a surgical procedure with all its consequences.
Micrograph of stem cells of the kidneys.Illustration J. Adjaye.
meanwhile, every day from two to seven thousand renal cells leave our body through urination. In recent years, several research groups reported that among these cells there are stem. Now a team from the University of Heinrich Heine in Germany studied this issue.
Scientists have identified stem cells from the urine in ten men and women of all ages. Doctors have discovered several chemical markers, confirming that this is the trunkthe new cells. Experts recognized, among them the precursor cells of three types of epithelial tissue characteristic of kidney.
These cells can be used to treat diseases of this important organ. In addition, they can be reprogrammed into pluripotent stem cells suitable for the repair of different tissues. In General, such “flashing” amenable to almost any cell, but with the stem process is especially effective.
in addition, these cells serve as an excellent material to study diseases and test drugs.
By the way, earlier “Conduct.Science” wrote about how stem cells saved the patient’s vision, and the discovery of a skeletal stem cell.
Text: To.Science