If the person is ill COVID-19, there is a huge risk that the disease will aggravate, exacerbate his condition. This was told on air of TV channel “Russia 24”, doctor of medical Sciences, President of the national project “Health of nation” Dmitry Edelev.

According to him, the impact of coronavirus on postroennoe the human condition is a serious problem. After suffering COVID-19 can receive the the new disease, to deteriorate or to escalate the same. With such difficulties facing up to 48 percent of patients.

Yedelev said that the Russian Union rehabilitators before released guidelines for medical rehabilitation. The doctor stressed that Russia is the first and only country in the world that has thought about what will happen after the coronavirus.

Dmitry Edelev has again drawn attention to the fact that COVID-19 affects several organs. Primarily affects the lungs, undergoing major changes related to their structure. How long can I retain an inflammation of the membranes of the body, the doctors don’t know. Experts continue to study this aspect.

After a pulmonary coronavirus strikes at the heart, therefore in patients with COVID-19 detected by the violation of his rhythm. The third vulnerability of the kidney. The fourth of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dmitry Edelev has not ruled out the suggestion of President Vladimir Putin that the coronavirus may come again in the fall and in more severe form.