the curious case of teleportation of milk was the reason of the inspections in three regions, including Samara region. The attention of the Supervisory authorities drew the time for which raw materials were taken to the regional capital of Vladivostok.
to Develop escape velocity, it seems, is now able not only missiles, but also products. Party of UHT milk in just 1 minute overcame 8 thousand kilometers. Transaction from Vladivostok to Samara did not go unnoticed by the Supervisory authorities. And it turned out that startup entrepreneurs have learned to compress not only time but also matter.
to Identify the fantastic experiments allowed the electronic system that tracks the Russian grocery traffic. According to hosted online documents customer of this magical raw materials were made by a company registered in Samara. There is information about the founder and the address: Kostroma lane,13.
According to inspectors, the “Vesti-Samara”, the implementation of the scheme of falsification is not used for the first time. And often thus there is an attempt of legalization products, dairy only documents.
Part of the far Eastern party of butter and cheese, by the way, went on sale. Now in fact the deals go check in three regions: Samara region, Moscow region and Primorsky Krai. Product samples sent to the lab. According to the law, negligent vendors can face fines of up to 700 thousand rubles and criminal liability.
Text: GTRK “Samara”