Water at the Sochi beaches is not dangerous for swimming. This was stated in the CPS. Since June, the 10 beaches that have passed comprehensive health inspection will be opened for tourists.

physician Assistant in General hygiene FBUZ Center for hygiene epidemiology in Krasnodar region of Sochi Olga Burov said: “the samples of marine water for microbiological, virological and sanitary-chemical research. The results are consistent with the standards, then the water on the beaches are safe for swimming”.

in addition, Olga Burov said that more than 4.5 thousand samples was conducted in the beginning of the year. With the start of the holiday period inspections are conducted weekly, “Vesti Sochi” with reference to TASS. Moreover, the water monitoring is conducted at each beach throughout its length.

Text: state television and radio company “Vesti Sochi”