Until July 23, the Khamovnichesky court of Moscow arrested Alexei Baryshnikov, who seized hostages in a branch of Alfa-Bank on the Earthworks may 23. In the form of courier and courier bag Baryshnikov came to the Bank Department and stated that in his bag a bomb. He threatened to blow up the building.
the Man who was in an unstable mental condition and with a bottle of wine captured commandos burst into the room. With the arrest of a terrorist, no one was hurt. Bomb the attacker was not in the bag was a fake explosive device. On offense, the man could push previously earned credits. He admitted that he did not intend to seize hostages, reports RIA Novosti. Baryshnikov said, rushed to the Bank to “know the truth”.
the Mental health of native Nizhnevartovsk Alexei Baryshnikov will assess the complex is judicial-psychiatric examination. The detainee under article “hostage-taking” is threatened with real term of imprisonment. In this earlier Baryshnikov was already judged.