investigators Have today is a holiday: 9 years since the formation of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. As a separate and independent structure it has formed 15 January 2011. Prior to that, he was part of the Prosecutor’s office. In honor of this within the walls of the Investigative Committee held a meeting. The best employees of the Ministry presented the insignia of honorary diplomas and medals for meritorious service.
According to head of the regional investigation Department Cyril Levita, the office exists, at least not for long, but its importance proved. On opening the grave and resonant crimes employs about a hundred people. As report “News of Voronezh” in the management and created a special Department for the investigation of crimes of last years. The emphasis in the past year has made the fight against corruption in the region. In the future, rates are going to increase.
– In the past period by the investigators of SK 1.4 investigated thousands of criminal cases, 1075 of which are directed to court. More than 600 of the crimes belong to the category of grave and especially grave crimes, – said the head of SU RF IC in the Voronezh region Kirill Levit.
Text: GTRK “Voronezh”