Named the preliminary cause of death for girls-blogger, whose burned body was found near St. Petersburg. As writes the edition “Fontanka”, the police asked the girlfriend of the deceased and told his version of events. According to her, blogger Michelle Michaelis died during sex suffocation on January 19. Her partner, 21-year-old Ales Breakfast in a panic decided to get rid of the body. Somehow wearing the girl’s body, he took his car and mother in the suburbs of St. Petersburg. On the way Breakfast called a common friend and told her what had happened. Together they decided to get rid of the body. In the roadside store bought a pair of lighter fluid. The body of the Michaelis took to the woods and they tried to burn. And then the Breakfast and the girlfriend of the murdered went home.

to go to the police with the confession the woman decided, after the body was found Zavtrakov under the Windows of flats, a block from my parents ‘ house. On the landing of the 15th floor window was open.

after Consulting with counsel, the third participant of this story still appealed to the police and led investigators to the scene of the burning of the corpse blogers. A consequence opened a criminal case under article “Murder”. A friend helps you get rid of the body, passes on business as the witness.

Earlier it was reported about detection in forest charred body of the girl. She was later identified as blogers, which was published in the social networks of videos about hitchhiking travels and encounters with rich men.