the builders of the Ust-Srednekanskaya hydroelectric power station COVID-19. A positive test until three, yet the same is under suspicion. The hostel is closed on quarantine. Doctors srednekanskiy district hospital testing everyone who had contact with the infected. According to GTRK “Magadan”, will be surveyed 670 people. The ill workers were hospitalized.

place of residence builders inspected the sanitary inspectors. In their opinion, they were not observed epidemiological limitations. The doctors discovered massive violations of health rules. One of the serious problems common to all dining room. Use it and shift workers, and residents adjacent to the hydroelectric power station of the town of Seimchan. According to the chief freelance infectiologist of the Magadan region Elena Kuzmenko, this fact complicates the identification of the source of infection. Together with the staff of the Yagodninskiy district hospitals will determine the composition of medical workers who will be around potentially infected. Local physician now also been quarantined.

In the dining room and the hostel was carried out disinfection work. Medics took stock of masks, protective suits for doctors, methodological guidelines for shift workers. As told Sergei vorojeikin, Deputy Director of “Ust-Srednekan Gasstroy”, the construction work stopped. Not stopped only earth and rock works. The people there are isolated, are in a separate room.

the Ust-Srednekanskaya hydroelectric power station built on the Kolyma river. Since the beginning of the epidemic coronavirus that is shift workers-builders have become a huge problem for the region. According to doctors, they are not as disciplined as miners and energy. Quarantine events are held regularly at the entrance to Magadan oblast. But among the guests many of those who have already had contact with sick people. As said Sergei Nosov, the Governor of the region, all of them now comply with the regime of self-isolation.

Text: GTRK “Magadan”