the older we get, the harder it is for our brain to learn and remember new information. This happens due to the age restrictions of neurogenesis – the formation of new cells in the brain.

In the new work, researchers from Germany decided to find out whether increasing the number of stem cells in the elderly brain to restore cognitive skills.

the Research team developed a method for stimulation of a small group of stem cells in the brain of mice.

Experts increased the expression of certain proteins, resulting in the brain of rodents increased the number of stem cell precursors of neurons. Accordingly, the Mature and the number of neurons arising from these cells.

As it turned out, the “fresh” neurons are not only able to survive in the brain of old mice, but also to establish new contacts with neighboring cells.

tested a new method of rejuvenation of the brain 1the Image of stem progenitor cells and newborn neurons (green) in the hippocampus in contact with Mature cells (red) in the mouse brain.Photo CRTD.

the researchers Then investigated the key cognitive ability that deteriorates in older mice as well as humans. It is the ability to navigate.

Explain that people behave in the new environment in different ways, depending on age. The young brain learns and builds a “cognitive map” of the surrounding space. But this ability disappears in old age. The elderly brain is not able to build a “cognitive map” of a place, finds the alternative: for example, remembers the sequence of rotations that need to be done to reach a specific destination.

These two strategies at first glance may seem similar. However, the creation of “cognitive maps” allows you to efficiently navigate in space, when you need to build a route from previously attended A to is still unknown item In and Vice versa.

So the researchers decided to test whether new neurons derived from induced stem cells, to increase the performance of the brain during navigation.

the Answer was positive. During the experiments, older mice with a large number of stem cells and neurons to regain the ability to build map of the environment and store it in the brain for quite a long time. In other words, the navigational skills of older rodents “younger”.

the team Then conducted the same experiment with young mice. Stimulation of stem cells that generate new neurons, delayed cognitive disorders, and aging rodents showed a higher capacity for memory than usual.

the Authors also note a curious detail.

In the young brain for remembering places and events, as well as for training and the creation of “cognitive maps” corresponds to the area called the hippocampus. Meanwhile, the elderly, the brain relies on other structures that are more associated with the development of habits.

In this case, the neuroscientists stimulated the formation of new neurons in the hippocampus of mice. Thanks to this old brain is back to the strategies, which are typical of the young.

we Emphasize that work of this kind not only deepen our understanding of neurogenesis and causes of its disorders, but also can be useful for the development of new methods of rejuvenation of the brain.

“Stem cells in the human brain nemnogochislennye, and it is known that their number is greatly reduced in the course of life. The identification of the causes underlying the cognitive deficits in aging and maintaining mental abilities of people is crucial for our rapidly aging society. Our work shows that the age of the violations can be eliminated, revealing the neurogenic potential of the brain,” concluded senior study author Professor Federico Calegari (Federico Calegari) of the Dresden technical University.

On the work done by his team reported in article presented in the journal Nature Communications.

by the Way, earlier researchers found that regular exercise stimulates neurogenesis in the brains of mice, and also called exercises that help people to rejuvenate your brain at any age.

Also “Conduct.Science” ( wrote that the adult brain generates new neurons not only in the hippocampus.

Text: To.Science