January 25 — Tatiana’s day, the holiday of the students.
This day for the students, of course, not about the study. In the best universities of the country in the morning already poured the drink, cut a happy gingerbread the record book. True to Tatiana’s day to be delivered to the Dean’s office surrounding the tests and examinations end winter session, ahead of the holidays.
In Tula near the local Kremlin, the students play hockey and share useful signs.
Almost a beach party in the cool of Tomsk. But it seems to be involved only seasoned faculty
Vladimir Zhirinovsky at the Institute of world civilizations in Moscow pours students non-alcoholic Mead.
in Front of Moscow state University unfold the biggest record book of the country.
According to Church canons, and it is also a Day of Holy Martyr Tatiana — she is considered the patroness of students. Nurudin N. Tijani from Nigeria, who teaches English in Kogalym, with his students this year, the first visit to an Orthodox Church service.
Student’s time is after all the beginning of independent life. This is especially true when you’re thousands of miles away from home. Student Andy from Zambia. Studying in Vladivostok, the economy and at the same time baking Russian pancakes.
this “ice friendship of peoples” at the red square in Moscow. At the rink near the Gum is student night. Everything here is only for HLC — even Mead no, the night’s sports. The team that wins the relay, the Minister of sports Oleg Matytsin promised to put the credit for physical education.
“This is a unique energy, and I am glad that today again felt her warmth,” admitted the Minister.
Won, by the way, the students of Ranepa will Take this test in these academic statements, remains to the rector, say the organizers of the festival.
skating in the capital you can ride in Gorky Park. At ENEA, right on the ice, icyyou made the night dancing flash mob.