Tag: Vucetic Mamayev Kurgan Russia 1 TV channel trenance concertware concert victory Bashmet

The TV channel "Russia 1" will broadcast the concert of the Victory at Mamaev Kurgan

The TV channel “Russia 1” will broadcast the concert of the Victory at Mamaev...

A unique gala concert at the foot of the opened after restoration the monument "the Motherland calls!", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the great Victory, will take place on June 24 at Mamaev Kurgan. The concert of the Victory in the hero-city of Volgograd, organise the Russian concert Agency and TV channel "Russia 1" with the support of the Ministry of culture of Russia, presidential grants and the Administration of the Volgograd region.

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Top NHL Prospects Traded: Expectations and Insights

In a recent article by Rachel Doerrie, a seasoned data consultant with a wealth of experience in the NHL, she delves into the ramifications...

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