In Germany, there was a hope to return abducted in Dresden treasures. Criminals have put them up for sale. Offer to purchase received by Israeli detectives.
according to Deutsche Welle, while on sale two jewelry. Among them the brilliant “the Saxon white”, the weight of which is 49,84 carats and star of the Polish Order of the White eagle XVIII, decorated with diamonds and rubies. Malefactors demanded for the jewels of € 9 million. Asking for payment in bitcoin.
the representative of the Israeli security firm CGI, said that their company received several letters with the offer of purchase. Detectives claim that they contracted on behalf of the management of the Dresden Museum to investigate the theft. It is yet unknown what measures will be taken by the security firm.
Robbery, became the most discussed not only in Germany but throughout the world, occurred in November 2019. The criminals have cut part of the bars on the window of the Museum and got inside. Their accomplices disabled the alarm. Among the stolen — about a hundred diamonds and a huge sapphire of 648 carat, donated by the Russian Tsar Peter I.