Isolation is not a reason to forget about exercise. What alternatives to gyms?

the Pandemic turned her life online. Education, work, meeting friends – now it all fits in the window on the computer screen. Was no exception and sports. Almost two months in quarantine, the market for online fitness has increased several times. Yoga, Pilates, stretching, functional and strength training is to choose the right activity for every taste.

But experts warn: even in quarantine to start training mindlessly is not worth it. After all, if an incorrect loading can not only improve your shape, but also harm the body.

this program does not guarantee safety. Many of them are made for professional athletes and not suitable for beginners. So it’s important to monitor their condition during the sports themselves.

Start exercising at home experts the fitness industry recommend with simple exercises with no additional equipment. And only if the body feels comfortable, you can move on to more complex systems.

Your exercise program for the home developed the largest network of fitness clubs World Class. Lessons on the YouTube channel are free. Every day the club offers about ten different lessons lasting from 15 minutes to hours: children’s gymnastics, dance training and classes with highly efficient equipment. Join them live or watch the recording – you can choose based on their schedule. But if the confidence is not enough, the clubs offers to take instructor. Everything you need to practice – the same smartphone with a camera and a pad.

But the most important issue home workouts – regularity. The effect of the sport will be, if you respect the day and follow the diet. And even if the fitness heart is not in it, worry, according to doctors, is not worth it. To preserve the health, fit any activity. The main thing – in a period of quarantine to find her. Long sitting of the house leads to physical inactivity is the weakening of muscle tone due to sedentary lifestyle. As a consequence, excess weight and other diseases.

“We get up in the morning and be sure to do during the day, I think we need about two hours to devote to various long-term activity, says Yevgeny Achkasov, the expert of the League of nation’s health, doctor in physical therapy. — While cleaning the house is also considered a long activity, and calorie consumption when cleaning corresponds to a session in the gym”.

of Course, after the end of the pandemic coronavirus COVID-19 the usual sports on the street and in the hall return to our lives. But the trend in fitness online, experts say, will continue after the quarantine. Despite the fact that to remain active in the current environment is extremely difficult, it is precisely the isolation forced them to think about the need to monitor their health, a growing number of people.