Two lines on the quick test – boom, the two jogging rounds a week are over for now. But how do you return to training once the symptoms of the corona infection have subsided and the test is negative again?
The fact is: If you want to get a lot too quickly, threaten cardiac arrhythmia or heart muscle inflammation. So cautiousness counts. Two sports doctors say how it can look.
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The virus gets into the body and causes a defense reaction of the immune system – the first summit. A second phase follows around seven days later. Experts then speak of an “excessive immune response”. The inflammation values that can be measured in the blood then rise again. Behind it are inflammatory processes that take place on the separation layer between the blood and the vessels – also in the lungs, in the heart, in other muscles.
The problem: “The test can be negative again at this point,” says Martin Halle. “However, if you train for these high levels of inflammation, that is unfavorable.” However, he has good news for everyone with sufficient vaccination protection: “The second phase is much weaker in vaccinated people than in unvaccinated people.”
And another reason why you shouldn’t go back on the run or in the CrossFit course too early: “There may still be sources of infection, so that the disease can recur due to excessive stress,” says Prof. Bernd Wolfarth, chief physician in the sports medicine department at the Berlin Charité.
Incidentally, this applies not only to an infection with Covid-19, but also to other infections such as influenza.
Martin Halle gives the following rules of thumb: If you have had no or only slight symptoms, you should allow three symptom-free days to elapse before starting your first light training session. For somewhat stronger symptoms such as cough or fever, he advises waiting seven symptom-free days.
And if the infection really blew up – and also affected the lungs or heart? Then it is best to have a doctor clarify how and when the sport will continue.
“Safety First” is the advice of Bernd Wolfarth. “The inexperienced sports, the more careful you should be.” This can only be done if you place the signals of your body through your training plan. “You first have to get a feeling for it: How powerful is the body now?” Says Bernd Wolfarth.
It is normal that you can’t continue where you stopped before the positive test. “An infection loses a lot more performance than if you had been on vacation on the beach during this time,” says Martin Halle.
The sports doctor has a rule of thumb: with 50 percent of the workload, with which you stopped before the infection. “When I ran ten kilometers before, I get in with five kilometers.”
“The best sports are those that are easy to control in terms of intensity and duration,” advises Bernd Wolfarth. Means: The spinning class, which is designed for 60 minutes, is less suitable. A unit on the ergometer is better, where you can start with about 20 minutes of easy cycling.
By the way: Sports that don’t put so much strain on the cardiovascular system are better suited for getting back into it. This can be the yoga or Pilates class – or strength training in the gym.
You have an advantage here if you follow your heart rate with a smartwatch or fitness tracker – and can compare the readings with those before the infection. “If you need a higher heart rate for the same intensity, that’s a sign,” Halle says.
Other warning signs are pressure on the chest, dizziness or an unsteady pulse, “an extra beat that you really feel,” as Halle describes it. All of this can indicate heart muscle inflammation – reason enough to have a doctor check you up.
“It’s also better to clarify shortness of breath, which occurs even with very little exertion,” advises Wolfarth. Incidentally, this also applies if the shortness of breath only occurs after exercise – or a pronounced dry cough.