Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday, June 5, was contacted with Norilsk. He waited for the report on the impact of a disaster — a spill of 20 thousand tons of diesel fuel from the tank. Oil got into the soil and water of several rivers. Together with the head of the emergencies Ministry, the Governor and the head of Rosprirodnadzor contacted and the head of the company “Norilsk Nickel”, which owns the damaged reservoir. To him the head of state had many questions: what happened, who will Fund the restoration of the environment and how much it will cost.
On the Bank of the river Barn is an unprecedented rescue operation of nature. Squad MOE has 500 employees. Headed by them, on behalf of the President, the Minister of emergency situations Evgeny Senichev. He got in touch with the President directly from the river Bank Barn. Vladimir Putin asked:
— what is the situation on the ground? What urgent measures are being taken and already taken? What solution prepared to minimize the consequences of the accident?
Eugene Zimichev reported:
— the Event of most emergencies localized on 1 June. Booms were installed, so the development it receives. Our task now is just to work and collect the oil.
In the accident on may 29 in the soil and the water got almost 20 thousand tons of fuel. The crash can be seen even in pictures from space — the rainbow film covered the river, and tributaries. Diesel fuel now collect. Finally found the solution to where to store petroleum products. Minister of emergency situations said:
— Since the terrain is difficult, waterlogged, it is assumed to have here a sealed container to place them in the bed of the river to collect oil for further removal and disposal.
One of the options like storage — compact and fastsodimie warehouses used by the military and explorers. The structure can withstand loads and low temperatures. The latter characteristic, apparently, is especially useful.
Eugene Zimichev told Vladimir Putin that the burn spread in the Norilsk petroleum products will not. They will collect in a sealed container and then taken to the place of utilization.
the Winter is, in fact, rolled in the snow and ice road. In many remote areas of the North, such as the emergency, often the only way to get there. Under normal weather at Norilsk, the winter road can earn in November, but while the main task — the collection of diesel fuel.
“today, collected 150 cubic meters of petroleum products, but already from tomorrow, with the mounting of the tanks is planned to collect fifteen hundred every day,” — said the head of the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of nature, the main state ecological inspector of Russia Svetlana Radionova.
CHP-3, which ruptured tank belongs to the company “Norilsk Nickel”. Its head Vladimir Potanin contacted the President from the place of incident. The metallurgists have after the accident to restore the ecology of this region.
“We are committed to using the best available technologies and choose the best, not the cheapest solution from an environmental point of view. Going to Fund it fully at the company’s expense. A single ruble from the budget will not go away. The ecological system will return to its normal condition,” said Potanin.
Vladimir Putin remarked that the willingness of the company to pay all work from their own funds, this is right. However, he wondered: how much are all the activities associated with these works? Vladimir Potanin said that about 10 billion rubles.
— I ask, Vladimir Olegovich, we had long been familiar. I know you personally xI want to emphasise that work in the enterprise, not just are the owner of a large package, but still, look, billions, you say. How much is one box, which is now going to change?
— what About the one tank I can not say, but it costs, I think, in the hundreds of millions of rubles.
— I think less. One tank, where stored fuel is much less at times. Mr O., I to what: if timely changed, then the damage would not be ecological, and would such costs did not need to carry the company. Just look at it very carefully.
Vladimir Putin again called on all agencies to keep the situation in Norilsk under a special control:
“I Ask the service to carefully analyze the status of similar facilities throughout the country, and, if necessary, to arrange inspections, including with involvement of experts from the emergencies Ministry and law enforcement agencies. Finally, the government jointly with the Parliament to complete the work on introduction of environmental legislation fundamental changes that will prevent similar situations in the future. It must be done in the near future, before the end of the current parliamentary session”.
in the meantime, professionals working on the spill site, determine the cause of the destruction of the tank.
“According to reports, the preliminary cause depressurization of the tank with diesel fuel was subsidence and the concrete pad under it”, — reported the official representative of the Prosecutor General of Russia Andrei Ivanov.
the attorney General particularly ordered to check all of these objects in the territories, where possible the melting of permafrost.