Today in Moscow has resumed its work, beauty salons, massage salons, solariums, saunas and baths. June 1, opened to the parishioners of the churches. What are indulgences and what the future plans — said the Governor of Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov.

– Andrey, during the interview you will be in a mask?

– For an interview, of course, remove the mask, the guys on the course, all right!

– But usually you go to?

– Yes, and be sure to comply with all requirements, it is very important. We have an in House government operates a large number of employees, and, unfortunately, as in any other institution in any other industry too, there are those who have had COVID.

– with regard to the topic of our conversation: today in Moscow was cancelled a number of restrictions, imposed earlier due to the coronavirus. Including started a services where there is a relatively tight contact of citizens is a beauty salons, massage, sauna and so on. Tell me, why was this decision made? And there is the additional risk of a new outbreak?

– there is a Risk. Intimate contact happens everywhere – in the bus, in the subway, and trains. And even crossing a bridge walking among us here in Krasnogorsk, about 10 thousand people takes place – there is also close contact. The question is, how much you are willing to work under the new standards, what said the chief sanitary doctor. After all that we’ve opened, we opened, unfortunately, with the condition to preserve the health of the people, and in any case not to make sure that our beds were occupied. Therefore, hairdressers and beauty salons, and industrial plants, and in shops, on buses and just being in busy places – you need to be in the mask! You need to understand that today is a direct need.

Let’s recap, what security measures need to be observed as a whole, and organizations that work in the service sector. And how long will masono-glove mode.

– we Have stabilised the situation, about all they say. But this stabilization is very shaky. The spread ratio for today is teetering from 0.85 – 0.92, and it would be less. In order for that to happen, we must continue to comply with isolation measures, social distance, and all Ter of the precautions that are expected. If this hair salon is a protective glass and a respirator when a client or patient, then it must be in the mask. Even in the same “clean” clinic. After all, we are opening today the work of medical institutions, and this is a huge request our residents to the clinics and hospitals had been using the “clean” mode. And for this to happen, we must know that all of this is only possible if new standards and new conditions. But unfortunately, you and each of us notices that some just ignore it. It’s the people who think they will never meet neither a ventilator nor a doctor-resuscitator or infectious disease. Our main task is to ask, convince. And, of course, must be the rejection of the people themselves in those places where a lot of people – buses or the train.

we now Have a good momentum: in the last three or four days there has been a steady minus to bed. But I would like to make it last forever, because now every citizen asks the question: “When will the kindergartens? What about schools? When they are shopping centers? When you can go to a movie or play sports?” When we will see a steady decline of the epidemic – there is no other recipe. No, the recipe is, of course, is the vaccine and medications. Now we hear, including, thanks to your channel that are actively developing, are already laboratory tests. But all this will take months.

– If the situation will improve, which may be in the suburbs next stage of lifting restrictions?

as soon As the firstzmoznosti, we add this “dose” of freedom and “dose” of a comfortable life. For example, we have two weeks ago, worked 1300 and rescue groups in kindergartens, and this week – already 2500. Next week another thousand open. Why? Because parents go to work, and sometimes they have no one with whom to leave the child. We understand these feelings and inconvenience, and very closely with Rospotrebnadzor, the chief sanitary doctor, literally follow all the indicators.

the Next question now – the usual work of dentists and clinics, hospitals and cinemas when you can meet the team and to play football or volleyball, or basketball. We are also concerned because we want life returned to normal. But in order to achieve success, as you know, in this life you need to work, be very alert and attentive.

– In your view, which categories of business will open in the last turn? What remains the “last frontier”?

– I think restaurants, shopping malls. For us it is very important. In the Moscow region, 25% of the gross regional product comes from manufacturing, shopping centers. They have closed and it’s the economy. You can imagine that for the past 5 months instead of get plus 34 billion rubles of income, we have received a minus 10 by 2019. That is all this struggle, if we evaluate it in money, it is too early to say, but cost us about 40 billion rubles.

So what the President said, each opening must be carefully weighed so that jobs aren’t lost, so people began to go to work, earn money, and the economy is to give its results. And, on the other hand, in any case to prevent coronavirus. It is always very difficult moments, they are always very sensitive. And here I am asking you to understand us. Those who pay attention, including, and criticizes our actions, should understand that we are guided only by the fact that the family was not sick, that the family had a job to every person who needs elective surgery, then they could go and improve their health. This is all very sensitive! And we are well aware that we bear a huge responsibility, we treat this very carefully. Every step we weigh, we are advised – is a collective decision. It’s not out of the blue, was adopted. Shopping malls – here is what I would like to open next.

– you mentioned routine medical care. Tell me, when fully operational it is planned to restore, and how do you evaluate the workload of medical institutions?

– Well, that’s how we planned assistance will not open, because we need to prepare hospitals and clinics. There is a certain procedure, it takes about probably weeks. First, patients have to withdraw from “dirty” clinics. Then comes the preparation of the hospital, then checked the entire staff – it needs to be clean, in today’s language, and then begins to operate the clinic and hospital. With the number 8 the first stage, with 15 more beds we open. The current situation tells us that we can close those beds that were created on an emergency basis. You can imagine that in the Moscow region at all times more infectious 2000 beds never? And with a ventilator, well, I guess the maximum was 10%. But on may 1 we created about 15 thousand patients infectious. Ventilation, oxygen, medications, PPE – everything needed. This will require more resources and it will take time. It is better to be prepared than to admit any absurd error. We need to avoid it.

– Andrey Yuryevich, one more question. Begin to operate religious institutions open their doors to temples, mosques. Tell me, are there any restrictions when visiting, well, let’s say, the number of people at the same time?

– Yes.

– … who are in the room? Or is there still religious organizations make decisions?

– No, the chief physician of today we have reglamentary, according to a new standard. First of all, the service is on the street. Now, thank God, summer, we really hope that it will still be warm and summer really will come. Everything about ordinances, such as communion, confession, there’s even a very detailed algorithm. How can this strange and sad it must comply with every priest, otherwise, it is also a risk. So even here all you need to do very carefully and cautiously. If you want to be healthy myself and to see myself around healthy people.