Roskomnadzor, the Prosecutor’s office and police will soon have to understand the intricacies of the relationships of the characters one of the most famous fairy tales of Andersen. Christmas show “snow Queen”, which was presented to residents and guests of Chelyabinsk, left the audience in shock — children’s performance was adult. The parents of withdrawn children immediately, profanity, without which such a show was, of course, can not do, a Director by the name Susloparov proposed to replace the word “flower”.

In the hands of a puzzled audience tickets for the puzzling representation, which clearly specified the age of the viewer — 6+. One of the young girls said that on the show there was nothing of interest. To my incredible surprise, the audience were observers of adultery in every detail — the alleged artists, preparing an idea of the Snow Queen herself. Such a spectacle in the play, there is a 6+.

Phrase from the show:

What, You, Anna Andreyevna, unsatisfied kind?

— That You, Alexey Vladimirovich, you have to ask why I’m unsatisfied.

As promised by the organisers it will be the history of the formation of the Snow Queen, a kind of prequel to apparently outdated Christian Andersen. The story says about how a husband-writer is cheating on his wife and on New year went to his mistress in But the abundance of dialogue not for children and not Christmas even forced to enter into the play of special word, not to curse from the stage: “All expressions that are inappropriate for public view, but necessary for the greatest realism of the events is replaced by the word “flower”. One of the spectators said that when her child asked “what kind of flower”, she didn’t know what to say.

Berry has already happened in the lobby — such a bold reading the immortal works of the enraged audience did not understand and demanded to return the money with myselfwow the author of this deviant bouquet — studded rings Director Susloparov. He first issued the receipt that the money returned, but then took a defensive stance in the official response to the 28 pages, he says, show an unprecedented (there is a listing of equipment, including front microphone “Crane” 14) and sums up the entertainment services were rendered properly and in full, a refund for the tickets is impossible. Here, apparently, should be “Flower”.

“these people Have no future. If they are going some way to work in the Chelyabinsk region, then I think this speaks for itself — with these people one more will not work. Well, anyway, the authorities that’s for sure”, — commented first Deputy Governor of Chelyabinsk region Irina Hecht.

But apparently, the Urals presented a show with a lot of “flowers”, called the last “a whiny freeloaders” and the result is simply washed away.

the center of Moscow — Myasnitskaya street — here, according to the website, is the company-the organizer of the show. But no signs, no answer. Where to go for those who show do not like, is unclear. People want in front of them apologized for the vulgarity and lack of professionalism. Collective complaint to the Prosecutor, and the police, and in Roskomnadzor may force the Director to change Susloparov or position, or name, or the creative way they will wait for a solid beginning.