SK the Russian Federation has finished investigation of criminal case against former leaders of the colony in the Amur region, which contained convicted in the gang Tsapkov Vyacheslav Tsepovyaz.
a Year ago there was footage as it “feasts” in this colony eats caviar, crabs and fry kebabs.
the footage caused public outrage, launched an investigation of the situation in the colony.
as a result, the now former chief of penal colony № 3 UFSIN of Russia across the Amur region: Sergei Kartavtseva and his Deputy Vladimir Vasiliev accused of abuse of office, said TASS, the official representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia Svetlana Petrenko.
According to her, after a number of procedural actions the criminal case will be brought to trial.
In the UK reported that from 2011 to 2015, the leaders of this colony illegally organized on its territory apiary, poultry houses, and also garages and a gift shop.
however, for employment there were signed contracts with friends and relatives of prisoners, which allowed unreasonably to create some ease prisoners conditions of serving punishment in a colony of strict regime.
In particular, as told Petrenko, and some prisoners, including Tsepovyaz, under the pretext of participation in public life of the colony was wrongly translated into easier terms of punishment. In addition, a number of prisoners were released on parole.
According to investigators, the leaders of the colony permitted other systematic violations of the strict regime of serving punishment and internal regulations – for example, some prisoners illegally used mobile phones and other benefits.
the Investigative Committee said that the actions of the former leaders of the colony undermined the basic principles of the penal system and has led to discrediting the Federal penitentiary service in the eyes of the population.
it Also reported that there continues to be investingSC in relation to other officers of this penal colony, which was not associated with Tsepovyaz, and with other prisoners.
Vyacheslav Tsepovyaz in the case of the gang Tsapkov in the Krasnodar village of Kushchevskaya in 2013 was sentenced to 20 years in prison. On account of the gang, which operated in the village from 1998 to 2010, 19 murders, including the mass murder of 12 people (including children) in the house of a local farmer.
At the end of 2018, the Network and the media there were pictures of life Tsepovyaz in a strict regime colony, according to which he does not deny. FSIN said at the time that these pictures were taken in 2015.