the Investigative Committee began checking the activities of the capital repair Fund in Buryatia. It reminds GTRK “Buryatia” at the end of last year deputies of the city Council voiced concerns of several residents of Ulan-Ude houses, which disrupted the timing of the overhaul remain without a roof.

the Tenants of the house number 1 down the street Moscow promised that the roof repair be completed before the New year. In the court 2020, but nothing has changed. The house stands without a roof for 5 months.

Irina ayusheeva, a resident of the house on Moskovskaya St., 1, says:

– In the month of September was removed, opened the roof, and the work stopped. In September, October, was raining, we had no roof leaks, damage to the residents of the 5th floor, I live on the 4th floor. And even I have three rooms for damage on the ceiling.

Irina ayusheeva, the eldest at home, says that the collection of fees for major repairs in their house good. However, in her opinion, resperator in the face of the capital repair Fund is not doing anything. The Director of the organization insists on the reverse — they’re doing what they can, or rather what is allowed by law. Conducted dozens of scheduled and unscheduled inspections, have repeatedly spoken with the contractor and even appealed to the Prosecutor.

Timur Tsyrenzhapov, CEO of Fund capital repairs in the Republic of Buryatia, said:

the Prosecutor’s office made to them measures of administrative influence, imposed fines, but, unfortunately, the contractors weak financial wealthy, so they delay the implementation. Their cause, they say that money is the problem.

Such unscrupulous contractors today two tell in the Fund overhaul, but distressed homes to four, and three of them are without a roof. Meanwhile, acts or omissions of the Fund will evaluate the Investigative Committee in the course of the audit.

Dmitry Stolyarov, senior assistant Director of SU RF IC in the Buryatia Republic on interaction with the media, said:

– Being surveys officials agencies, seized and examined documentation related to procedure of selection of contractor and control of quality and terms of performance of works on major repairs of these apartment buildings. According to the results of the preliminary investigation to the acts or omissions of the non-commercial organization “Fund for overhaul of common property in apartment buildings in the Republic of Buryatia” will be given proper legal assessment.

in the meantime, to call the new deadlines, the Fund’s management overhaul is not at risk, however, and to break contracts with contractors. Because then you have to hold a new auction, which, at least, two months. Residents are hoping that after the intervention of the Prosecutor’s office and investigative bodies their problem is finally resolved — will finish the roof repairs to the warming and compensate for material damage.

Text: GTRK “Buryatia”