because of debts Of seven countries of the UN have lost the right to vote in the General Assembly.
By 2020, the outstanding contributions were Venezuela, Central African Republic, Lebanon, Yemen, Comoros, Lesotho, the Gambia, Sao Tome and Principe, Tonga, Somalia.
the General Assembly in October 2019 was allowed Sao Tome, Principe, Somalia and the Comoros to vote in the 74th session, which will last until September.
under the UN Charter (article 19) the right to vote is denied those members of the organization whose duty is equal to the sum of the contributions for the previous two years. An exception may be made if the country will provide proof that the debt arose through no fault of her circumstances.
the UN has assured that in case of repayment of debts no voting rights participants will not deprive, RIA Novosti reported.