At the Investigative Department of the MIA of Russia, the new head, Sergei Lebedev. The decree on the appointment of a General signed June 1, 2020, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. The decree published on the official portal of legal information. It entered into force from the date of signing.
the Russian Head of state appointed Lebedev Deputy Minister of internal Affairs, thus freeing it from its previously occupied positions. Before the invitation to the Moscow Lebedev headed the Department of internal Affairs across the Ryazan region. In addition, major-General Sergei Lebedev was awarded the special rank the General-the major of justice.
Sergei Nikolaevich Lebedev was replaced by General Alexander Romanov, who was 9 April made by the President in connection with the abuse of his subordinates in the case of businessman albert Khudoyan. Suspected of fraud to 3.75 billion rubles owner of the company “Optima development” was released from jail under house arrest. Against the generals of justice Alexander Cracow, Alexander Biryukov and the investigator for particularly important cases of Ministry of internal Affairs Alexander Bryantsev prosecuted for abuse of office.