the increase in the number of mosquitoes, which is observed on the territory of Krasnodar region, including Sochi, due to the pandemic coronavirus. This conclusion was made by scientists engaged in the search for the causes of growth in the number of insects in the region. About it on air of TV channels “Russia 1” “Russia 24” reports “Vesti Sochi”.
the experts examined the popular with recreational areas, parks, squares. Basically, the “blood-sucking” live near lawns and flowerbeds. During the period of General isolation, when camping was empty, the mosquitoes managed to settle in these areas. Now, after returning here the insects are looking for a more comfortable environment for living and actively fly.
Scientists say a person can be infected with coronavirus from insects. To transfer the infection from the patient COVID-19 healthy they are not able to: in the body of the mosquito the blood of a carrier of the virus becomes harmless. Another thing is that the insects become carriers of other diseases.
insect control was performed in various ways — both biological and with the use of insecticides. The processing of exposed basements and the attics of houses, lawns. Another helper in the fight against insects — fish Gambusia. Rapidly multiplying, it actively fills the waters and can destroy the thousands of larvae per day. By the way, Gambusia played an important role in the history of the resort. The once raging on the black sea coast malaria is transferred by insects. Using the features of Gambusia, doctor Yuri Sokolov actually saved Sochi from the disease.
there is Also a program to restore the resort of a population of eucalyptus trees. They consume vast amounts of water — up to five hundred gallons per day. Since the early 20th century in Sochi drained swamps, being places of pests.
Text: State television and radio company “Vesti Sochi”