Livret A, popular savings booklet or even sustainable and solidarity development booklet, all these savings possibilities have one thing in common: to optimize your money via these accounts, you must precisely respect your schedule. We explain to you when to deposit money into these booklets, but also when to withdraw it.

Your savings accounts operate every two weeks. To calculate their remuneration, they are “updated” every 15 days, on the 1st of the month, and the 16th of the month. You should then deposit your savings just before the fortnight ends. Add your money to your savings account on the 14th or 15th of the month, as well as the 30th and 31st of the month. The A, LDDS, LEP or even PEL booklets all work in the same way. Thus, in this logic, “a payment made between the 1st and the 15th of the month produces interest from the 16th of the same month”, confirms Matmut. To recover your capital, the best option is to wait until the 1st or 16th of the month.

Among other news related to savings accounts, the LEP savings account could soon slow down your savings. Its interest rate, currently 5%, could be further adjusted to inflation, which amounts to 2.2% over one year in April 2024, confirms INSEE. Indeed, interest rates are updated every six months, on February 1 and August 1.

According to Philippe Crevel (director of the Cercle de l’Épargne), interviewed by Ouest-France, “preventing the fall in the LEP rate from being too steep” would be one of the government’s priorities. A change from 5 to 4% of its interest rate should nevertheless be expected: “the government will continue to lower its rate gradually. We can therefore imagine that it will return to 4%”. One thing is certain, the interest rate on Livret A should remain at 3% until February 1, 2025, as promised by the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire.