Outbreaks of acute illness coronaviruses new infection recorded in China. Tomsk sanitary doctors spoke about the prevention of human infection with a serious disease, inform “to Tomsk.”
As reported on the website of the regional Department of Rospotrebnadzor, coronavirus infection is an acute disease caused by a virus of the genus Coronavirus, with a primary lesion of the upper respiratory tract. The source of infection — a sick man. The period of transmission of the virus from sick people healthy indefinitely. Natural susceptibility of people high, sensitive to the pathogen in all age groups.
“Clinically the disease is manifested respiratory syndrome ( pneumonia), possible symptoms such as pain when swallowing, Chicane, runny nose,. malaise, mild headache, i.e. the symptoms peculiar respiratory diseases,” – said on the Agency’s website.
cases of limited transmission of the virus in families in the care of the sick, while in the same ward in the hospital, in connection with the world health organization does not exclude the possibility of transmission of the new coronavirus in close contact from person to person.
In order to prevent infection coronavirus infection persons traveling to countries where they are recorded cases of novel coronavirus infection (China, Thailand, Japan, the Republic of South Korea), you should observe safety precautions:
– When planning foreign trips to clarify the epidemiological situation;
– do Not visit the markets that sell animals, seafood.
– Use only thermally processed foods, bottled water;not to visit zoos, cultural events involving animals;
– Use of means of respiratory protection (mask);
– Wash hands after visiting places of a mass congestion of people and before eating;
– At the first sign of the disease, contactbe used for medical care in the medical organizations, to prevent self-treatment;
– When applying for medical assistance on the territory of the Russian Federation to inform the medical staff about the time and place of stay;
Text: GTRK “Tomsk”