Samara oblast puts antirecord in the number of new cases COVID-19. This was announced by the Governor of the region Dmitry Azarov. On Sunday, the diagnosis was 121 man. The day before, on may 25, the number of cases has increased about a hundred inhabitants. Unfortunately, these developments can not talk about any exemptions to the restrictions, said the head of the region.
the Governor appealed to residents of the region to please treat this situation seriously. Now the duty of each person to monitor their own health and that of their loved ones, said Dmitry Azarov. So we will help not only themselves, but also the doctors, struggling with new virus.
Since the beginning of the epidemic in the region died, 17 people with a diagnosis of COVID-19. The total number of cases — 2205 people. However, an increasing number of people violating the regime. Today, the index of isolation equal to one. So, on the crowded street.
it reminds GTRK “Samara”, mode isolation until extended to the end of the month based on the recommendations of the regional Department of Rospotrebnadzor.
Text: GTRK “Samara”