the Russian Embassy in Poland began to doubt if he knows the story of the US Ambassador Georgette of Mosbacher that reacted to the words of Vladimir Putin about the circumstances that preceded the outbreak of the Second world war.
Earlier the President of Russia said that Poland was in collusion with Germany. As Putin said, Moscow has documents about the negotiations between the two countries. What Mosbacher on his Twitter page has published a comment: “It is Hitler and Stalin conspired to start WWII”. According to the Ambassador, a victim of this terrible conflict was Poland.
Representatives of the Russian Embassy in response to the message of Mosbacher asked whether she knows about history more than about diplomacy.
prior To his appointment as Ambassador to Poland Georgette of Mosbacher was the owner of a cosmetics company. In her current position, she stood out undiplomatic style of lobbying the interests of US companies in Poland, reminds RIA Novosti. In the official letters of Mosbacher repeatedly made mistakes in writing the positions and names of the Prime Minister of Poland and other members of the government.