Russia will finish building the "Nord stream-2", despite the arbitrary sanctions

disturbing news from the USA. Sanctions against European companies of the construction of the pipeline “Nord stream-2” came into force. Any delay will not. Laying of pipes across the Baltic sea from Russia to Germany is suspended. All instead our pipe American liquefied natural gas poured into Europe.

the head of the Ministry of energy Alexander Novak said that Russia has the ability to build our pipeline “own funds”. And this will be done in 2020. That it for their own means? Maybe the combat divers? Novak did not elaborate. But in any case the confidence the government has.

Laying vessel “Akademik Chersky” has been bought “Gazprom” in 2016, just in this case: if European companies will stop the construction of “Nord stream-2” under the pressure of American sanctions. Theoretically, the Russian ship will cope with the task.

“Chersky” can lay pipes up to 1.5 meters. The “Flow” maximum diameter less 1.4. But from the current location — the port of Nakhodka and the Baltic sea to go a month.

Much closer — in the German port of Mukran — now the barge “Fortuna”. She already laid the first 13 kilometers of two pipelines. Flat-bottomed boat can operate in coastal waters at depths to 200 meters. But due to the lack of a dynamic positioning system, is sensitive to weather. Denmark, in whose waters was making a forced pause may not allow the barge to the installation.

“the Baltic sea is shallow. In the extreme case can even negotiate with third countries, with the same China, which also is making great strides towards the development of its own technologies, including in the field of marine construction projects,” — said Stanislav Mitrakhovich, leading expert of the national energy security Fund.

the Pipe layer “solitaire” Swiss AllSEAS work stopped, but of BaltiKi’t leave yet. Anchored near the Danish City. Despite a record pace — 5 km of pipes a day — the Swiss do not have a few weeks to finish the remaining 160 miles. If the US dug into the passing train to stop the project, finished at 94%.

They hit the interests of a significant number of European countries, as the leaders of Europe has unequivocally said. It is really noncompetitive methods of struggle — in contradiction with all international agreements and principles of international law and international trade.

– the United States is also the energy security concerns of Europe has explained its sanctions?

– they Have a different view when talking about someone else’s energy security. If it was about its own energy security, I think that decision would be taken by others, — said Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Chairman of the RF government.

under the Guise of a strange thesis on the protection of Europe from Russia energosintez, Washington corny clearing for a market of expensive American LNG. Non-interference in domestic Affairs and threats to the sovereignty of Germany spoke sharply Chancellor Merkel. Open protest was made by the head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. “The EU Commission is strongly opposed to sanctions against European companies that are involved in projects in accordance with the legal norms,” she said.

for the Sake of stability of gas supplies to Europe, Russia compromised with Ukraine. “Gazprom” translated “Naftogaz” 2 billion 900 million dollars for the decision of the Stockholm arbitration. Kiev in response waives further claims for 19 billion. The parties shall conclude a new transit contract for 5 years.

“it Was a choice between bad and very bad. $ 2.9 billion for Gazprom, in our country — a hard decision, but all together we can lose much more,” — said Dmitry GoatK.

“Turkish stream” Americans to not overlap in time. It will start at the beginning of January. .”Nord stream-2″ Russia will be completed in 2020, despite the sanctions the arbitrariness of the United States.

“I Asked if colleagues in the government in the framework of the previously adopted presidential decree on retaliatory restrictive measures against a number of countries, including the United States, to look at the possibility of any other restrictive measures against the United States. And report to me the sentence that you want analyzed,” — said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

“We will make an informed and appropriate decision. The pipeline will be completed, regardless of any sanctions and restrictions. We understand how to do it,” — said Kozak.

Development of options for the completion of the “Nord stream-2” is in full swing, but the details in the government to disclose don’t want to do no harm principal — energy security of European consumers.

Text: “News of the week”