Russia considers the events in Abkhazia as an internal affair of the Republic. This was stated by the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia.

the foreign Ministry stressed that counting on the stabilization of the situation in Abkhazia through direct peaceful dialogue.

on Thursday, protesters demanding the resignation of President Raul Khajimba, broke into the presidential administration. The Parliament recommended that Hajime to leave his post, but he refused and offered to start negotiations. The power structures of Abkhazia were transferred to the strengthened mode.

meanwhile, Secretary of security Council of the Republic Mohamed Kilba told TASS that the situation in Abkhazia remains stable and controlled. The entire administration is in its place, including the President.

In turn, the leader of the opposition Aslan Bzhania said that the opposition works hard to ensure that the political crisis was resolved peacefully. According to him, “the path of negotiations is needed and necessary.”

on Friday, the Cassation Board of the Supreme court of Abkhazia will consider a complaint against the results of presidential elections. The complaint was filed by the presidential candidate alhas Kvitsinia.