Good news for beneficiaries of the general retirement insurance fund in your region (Carsat)? Don’t be surprised to receive your allowance early this year, that of April, this Tuesday, May 7.
Do you usually receive your pension on the 9th of the month? Nothing more normal. Because in 2024, the payment of allowances is set for the 9th of each month of the year.
This is indeed the kind of transfer that is regulated like clockwork, recalls an article on the Internet user’s site. However, the calendar which changes every year can change things. And your habits risk being turned upside down in May. Nearly 13 million people will be affected by these payments delayed from the usual schedule.
As every year, the pension funds, basic or supplementary, communicate an official pension payment schedule. This allows you to know well in advance the date on which the transfers will arrive in your bank account. As a reminder: the basic pension, paid by the National Old Age Insurance Fund (CNAV), is sent most of the time on the 9th of the month. The supplementary retirement pension from Agirc-Arrco is transferred to the accounts on the 1st of each month.
But, as you will quickly understand, the next payment as well as the following (the May allowance, which will be paid on June 7) are an exception this year, says an article in the newspaper Ouest France on the subject.
The reason ? The National Old Age Insurance Fund (CNAV) explains that it makes its payments every 9th of the month, but “if the 9th is a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, we pay the allowance on the 1st previous working day”.
If you were also wondering, this is also why in March, where the 9th fell on a Saturday, you received your February pension on March 8th.
This year, two days in advance two months in a row is particularly rare, Pointe Ouest France. Situation resulting from the May calendar, where two consecutive days will be public holidays: the 8th (Victory 1945) and the 9th (Ascension). The first previous working day is therefore this Tuesday. As for June, the 9th falls on a Sunday: the payment of your May pension will therefore be made two days earlier, on the 7th, the newspaper explains.
But it is quite the opposite for beneficiaries of Caf allocations. They will get their benefits a few days late, retirees will be luckier. This advance is nothing extraordinary, Retirement Insurance explains that the payments are scheduled every 9th of each month, “if the 9th is a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, we pay it on the 1st working day previous or next”.
The operation of the CNAV thus differs from that of the CAF (Family Allowance Fund), which usually pays its aid on the 5th of the month. However, the 5th falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, delaying the payment rather than bringing it forward. Which explains why in May, aid such as RSA, APL, or AAH was paid on Monday 6.
Retirement insurance publishes a 2024 payment schedule on its website, returns Ouest France. It allows you to verify that all future payments will be made on the 9th of each month. With the exception of the October allowance, which will arrive in your bank account on November 8, the 9 falling on a Saturday, reminds the site.