Testing for antibodies to the new coronavirus type is very popular among Muscovites. About it on air of TV channel “Russia 24” said the Deputy mayor of Moscow for social development Anastasia Rakova.

“To date, we opened 30 points in urban clinics. Their capacity is 5 thousand tests a day, said Rakova. We see a great demand of Muscovites, and for two weeks almost painted all the slots”. She added that an electronic queue for writing to the analysis launched on may 27.

to test results, Muscovites can receive within three days after delivery of the analysis. The results will be available in the electronic medical record.

“We made sure that our technicians were able to quickly process the flow of information. We also made it so that within three days the results of tests for antibodies was available in the medical record online”, – noted Vice-the mayor.

Also Rakov told about utilization of hospital beds in Moscow. According to her, at the peak of the pandemic coronavirus intensive care bed capacity in the city was used by two-thirds.

“all patients who needed medical care, we had a bed,” she stated.

Earlier, the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin announced the launch in the capital, universal and free testing for antibodies to coronavirus. From may 27 to hand over such analysis can any Muscovite.

According to the latest Rospotrebnadzor, for the entire period of the epidemic in Russia has conducted more than 10 million tests for coronavirus.