to avoid the “new year fatigue syndrome” from friends and relatives, you should attend alone, suggest psychologists. Despite the tradition of going to concerts, plays and movies with the whole family, the doctors recommended to make an exception and be entertained alone. And Hiking guests can make a family, and individually. Such advice is given in order that we are unable to annoying relatives during the holidays.
Psychologists say – in a confined space in the same company increases the risk of conflict and just discontent each other, the so-called “new year’s syndrome”.
the Psychologist Olga mahovsky advised to plan in advance not only new year’s eve, but all the rest days. As you spend these days, invite someone to visit, where to go themselves? It is desirable to divide the days into periods, which the family will spend the whole Assembly, and other times when someone might be alone or to have fun with their company, quotes the candidate of psychological Sciences RIA Novosti.
With Mach does not agree to all colleagues. So, a psychotherapist Leo Perezhogin believes that new year’s deterioration of relations – fiction, because the people close to conducting routine separately, on holidays, on the contrary enjoy a welcome communication. If discontent has arisen, it is worth considering – is this the man that you want to celebrate the New year?
And of course, all psychologists are unanimous in one thing – what exactly not to do with the whole family for the New year is to drink.