Environmental Prosecutor’s office acknowledged the illegal mass felling of trees in Ust-Izhora. A massive spill along the Neva river was held in November 2019. The locals then organized a spontaneous rally demanding to stop the destruction of old trees.
reminiscent of “Vesti Saint-Petersburg”, the workers cut down trees, so they do not interfere to strengthen sagging, shore along Shlisselburgsky highway. In total cut over 400 trees. Reconstruction has been ongoing for 2 years despite the fact that Ust ‘ -Izhora is located in a protected area. However, a coordinated project for some reason, it did not take into account.
According to the decision of the Prosecutor’s office the contractor shall correct violations as soon as possible. In addition, the city Committee on protection of monuments drew up a Protocol on administrative offense.
Text: GTRK “Saint-Petersburg”