the Russians would do well to refrain from trips abroad. But as it turned out, some people still plan to travel outside of the country from 1 June. Among foreign destinations the demand is on Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova. In July, the Russians will try to get to Israel, Germany and Cyprus. There are those who have already planned for a December vacation in Thailand.

However, most of the flights are performed not for tourism purposes. Besides, according to polls, in the next six months, two thirds of inhabitants of Russia do not intend to leave the country.

Waiver of travel — a global trend. The most optimistic forecasts, in 2020 the number of tourists on the planet will decrease by a third. According to other estimates, the tourist flow in the world can be reduced by 70 percent. This decline in this area was not even ever in modern history.

for the Sake of attracting tourists, some countries are ready to go on unprecedented measures ahead of the lifting of restrictions due to the coronavirus. For example, the government of Cyprus is ready to fully assume the costs for treatment of tourists, if they suddenly get sick on the island. Exclusively for foreign visitors has already been allocated a hospital for one hundred patients, with intensive care and two hundred of the ventilator.

it is Clear that tourism after the pandemic in the near future will not be the same. For example, a prerequisite for entry to Greece may be the so-called health passport — basically the certificate of absence COVID-19.

One of the major Portuguese hotel chains sanitizer stored in large quantities and plans to abandon the buffet. Food can be ordered only a La carte.

In Italy are going to introduce pre-booking of places on the beach. The number of chairs will be reduced, the distance between them will increase and may even put them between a wall of Plexiglas.

the New rules introduce many airports around the world: a distancing, pAstana disinfection, temperature measurement passengers, extra terminals for self check-in.

And, for example, in Hong Kong international airport is testing a device that spends 40 seconds complete disinfection, killing all viruses and bacteria on the clothes and skin of passengers.

Now, the Russian government asked to cancel all foreign trips if they are not absolutely necessary. Those who still leave the country, return to have to observe a two-week quarantine at their own expense. This is done to avoid the second wave of the epidemic which may come to us along with rested, tanned, but sick compatriots. After all, the first time coronavirus has got to Russia from the outside. Only due to the early closure of the borders, we managed to gain time and to shift the timing of the onset of the epidemic.

So if you absolutely yearned for travel, this summer you should give preference to domestic tourism.

“We have now addressed the government with a proposal to give domestic tourism a national project. It is 15 to 20 percent of gross domestic product. Is jobs. It is not only hotels, airlines and travel agencies that sell tours. It’s cafes, bars, restaurants, is a Laundry and dry cleaning services, it guides, planes, trains, taxis,” explained Igor Blinov, Director of development national network of travel agencies

In General, experts believe that the global quarantine and restrictions on flights can give a serious impetus to the development of domestic tourism. Fortunately, in Russia there are many beautiful places worth to see.

Text: Meteotest