Mask mode will have to observe another two months. So said the chief sanitary doctor of Russia, head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova. The new requirements will remain in General. Will need to continue to keep hands clean, to disinfect dishes, maintain the cleanliness of the premises and a number of other requirements.
We talked about times that we live in a new normality, we need to adjust and learn to live in new conditions, — said Anna Popova at a press briefing at the government House, which was broadcasted by the TV channel “Russia 24″. — It is obvious that the coronavirus COVID-19 is not going away. We have learned to live with this virus.”
however, already 10 days in a row, the growth rate of infected with the coronavirus in Russia continue to remain below 10 thousand per day. This allows you to begin the first stage of the reopening of industries. For example, on may 25 in Moscow and the Moscow region earned the IFC in the Russian capital once again earned car sharing. And on June 1 will begin the work of sanatoriums and boarding houses with medical license.