Actor and TV presenter of programs about health on the channel “Russia 1” Mikhail politseymako, finally, registered a daughter, born at the end of March – the period when started the self-isolation imposed because of the coronavirus, and IFC in Moscow were closed.

Earlier, Michael told the press that because of this, there was a delay with the check-girl they’ve decided to call Mary.

This is the fourth child of the actor (he has a grown son from a previous marriage) and a third daughter born in wedlock with his wife Larissa.

As told politseymako website Вести.Ru now, after opening the IFC in the capital, the basic documents of the girl is decorated.

Actor and TV presenter of programs about health also answered the question if he does not seem that the continued provisions continue to wear masks and gloves in the heat, which is now established in Moscow, over?

politseymako said on the street when no one is around, they can not wear, but in enclosed spaces and public transport masks and gloves are needed to not get yourself or not to infect others.

the actor Himself on the street when close to no people and also in the car wears a mask not only sprinkle his hands with antiseptic, but when shopping be sure to protect the face and hands.

by the Way, with the familiar greeting Mikhail politseymako as you can see, watching him from the side, the elbows.

Earlier in an interview with Вестям.Ru famous actor and TV presenter said about the movie, the birth of the third daughter and shared his thoughts about covering the world pandemic of coronavirus.

IFC in Moscow was opened on 25 may. On the first day after a long break, they were visited by 20 thousand people.