Author: Dmitry Kiselev

the Polish Sejm (lower chamber of Parliament) adopted a resolution in which the blame for the start of the Second world war in equal measure imposed on Germany and the Soviet Union. And Poland in this historical construction is the victim. A cynical falsification of history at the state level, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova: “the impression Is that, like during the Inquisition, science the Polish Sejm declared heresy, and supporters of the historical facts accused them of witchcraft. So ideology wins the truth.”

Probably, the Polish deputies decided that using one piece of paper can change the past and to wash away the close military-political Union of Poland with Hitler, which made possible the Munich agreement to partition Czechoslovakia in 1938, predetermined the further expansion of Nazi Germany. So if we talk about the second country, which is responsible for the beginning of world war II, so that Poland itself. Not superfluous in this context to recall a raging Polish anti-Semitism of the time, so close to Hitler.

Soon, Israel will host the world forum of memory of the Holocaust. Dedicated to 75-th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. As expected, the commemorative events will come the presidents of Russia, France, Germany, Italy. But the President of Poland Andrzej Duda to go to Jerusalem refused. And the reason I did not hesitate to voice. They say that the presidents of Russia and Germany, the Israeli side gave the word, and the voice of the President of Poland no one will hear. Yes, there will hear. Just previously, Warsaw had heard.

Meanwhile, approaching another memorable date — the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Warsaw from Nazi invaders. A joint operation between the red Army and the Polish army ended 17 January 1945 liberation of the Polish capital. How wonderful to Warsaw all treated now?

Author: Alexey Denisov

12 January 1945 beganeh the famous Vistula-Oder offensive by the red Army. At the request of Churchill, Soviet troops went on the offensive two weeks earlier than scheduled to ease Nazi pressure on the allies in the Ardennes. In the Grand battle involved more than two million Soviet soldiers who had to break the seven lines of the German defense. The blow was so devastating force that by the end of the third day of a unified German front had ceased to exist.

the Polish population enthusiastically greeted their liberators. Newsreels kept the sincere joy of the people who survived the terror of five years of German slavery. During this time, the Nazis killed more than five and a half million Polish citizens, including about three million Jews.

“the Poles were deprived of statehood and sovereignty. It was already part of the Reich with those who represented Germany and directed it, that is, the Governor-General. And so today’s comparison is that, well, the Soviet Union then invaded Poland, is completely untenable, because after 1945, Poland regained its sovereignty and its independence,” — said Alexander Borisov, doctor of historical Sciences, Professor of MGIMO.

17 January 1945, German troops were driven out of Warsaw. Before the liberators of the terrible picture appeared. According to the testimony of Marshal Zhukov, even battle-hardened Polish soldiers cried, looking at what Hitler did to their capital. The city was destroyed 84% of all buildings. Everywhere adorned with numerous warnings and inscriptions left by invaders: “Only for Germans!” The führer ordered to erase the Polish capital to the ground in retaliation for the uprising, raised part of the Polish underground on 1 August 1944.

the Driving force of the uprising were the units of the underground home Army subordinated to the Polish emigre government in London. Their commander, General Bor-Komorowski did not hide that the goal of the uprising — a purely political. The first is to capture VarshaWoo to the entry of red Army troops to dictate terms to Stalin. And the second is to prevent the Communists and their allies. That is why the leaders of the uprising essentially refused to coordinate their actions with the Soviet command and was not warned about the beginning of the speech. The Soviet leadership learned about the beginning of the uprising only on 2 August 1944, from the message of the Reuters news Agency.

At this time, our troops that have passed with fights more than 500 kilometers, engaged in heavy fighting on the outskirts of Warsaw. The Germans threw against them three selected SS Panzer division: “Hermann Goering”, “Viking” and “Dead head”. At this moment Prime Minister of the Polish government in exile mikolajczyk actually demanded that Stalin immediately to help the rebels.

“Stalin told Mikolajczyk like this: the Soviet army was exhausted, and the First Belorussian front and First Ukrainian front suffered very serious losses, and now attack we can’t. And we won’t destroy their own people just because you, sorry, I got rein under the tail and you wanted again by the blood of your own countrymen to solve their political problems”, — said Oleksiy Plotnikov, doctor of historical Sciences, Professor, member of the Association of historians of world war II.

Only one and a half months of fighting in the direction of Warsaw by the troops of Marshal Rokossovsky lost by 167 thousand people. In August 1944, Rokossovsky told foreign reporters: “the Command of the home Army made a terrible mistake. Komorowski, along with his henchmen barged in, as red in the circus as the clown that appears on the scene at the most inopportune moment. It is a political gamble, and a gamble that will cost Poland hundreds of thousands of lives. This is a terrible tragedy, and now all the blame for her trying to pass on to us. Do you think that we would not have taken Warsaw if I were able to do it?”

Actions the rebels are not supported by the allies of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill. In 1938 Churchill was one of the few Western politicians who strongly condemned the actions of the Polish authorities during the Munich agreement. According to him, Poland with greed hyenas took part in the robbery and destruction of the Czechoslovak state, taking the Cieszyn region.

From the beginning of 30-ies of the Polish politicians talked a lot, and even discussed plans of a joint campaign to the East with the leaders of the Third Reich. The newsreel captured Hermann Goering together with the Polish President Moscicki their joint hunting in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. One of the key figures in backroom negotiations with the Nazi elite was the Minister of foreign Affairs józef Beck. January 26, 1939, he said to Ribbentrop that in case of war Poland claims to Soviet Ukraine and access to the Black sea.

“It was a criminal policy of the Polish leadership, which was aimed at initiating accumulation of Nazi aggression on the one hand, and on the other, in order to profit at the expense of the Soviet Union, which led in the end Poland to a national disaster when Germany unleashed against the Polish aggression,” said Mikhail Myagkov, scientific Director of the Russian military historical society.

September 14, after the bloody assault, the Red Army liberated the Eastern part of Warsaw Praga. The retreating Germans had time to blow up all the bridges over the Vistula.

From the 15th to 23rd of September 1944 soldiers of the first Polish army made a last attempt to cross the Vistula and to break through to the rebels. But lost under heavy German fire almost four thousand people and all the boats, they were forced to cease operation.

2 Oct 1944 Bur-Komorowski surrendered to the Germans. Price of unprepared speech resulted in the loss of nearly two hundred thousand poles and the total destruction of Warsaw. After the war the historic centre of the Polish capital will reverse.using the new authorities restored with generous financial and technological assistance from the Soviet Union.

the First monument to the liberators of Warsaw and the Polish-Soviet brotherhood in arms was installed on the square of the Vilna station in November 1945. He stood 66 years. In 2011, the monument to soldiers-liberators was dismantled by local authorities under the pretext of construction of a new metro station. This was done despite the fact that, according to all polls, most residents of Prague, advocated the preservation of the monument. Destroyers of the monument did not stop even the fact that he was devoted to their compatriots who died fighting with Nazism. During the storming of Berlin of the Polish army was almost 10% of all Soviet forces, and 5 thousand of Polish soldiers were awarded the Soviet order.

Czeslaw Lewandowski — one of those who actively fought against the dismantling of the monument to the liberators of Warsaw. He is now 92 years old. 15-year old boy, he participated in the Warsaw uprising. Was a private 227th detachment under the alias Quick. After the uprising, the Germans sent him to the concentration camp Stutthof. In January 1945 Czeslaw saved the Soviet tankers.

“the Prisoners were more like walking corpses who do not even understand what is happening. We could barely move. Soviet soldiers, tank crews, drew attention to me, took it to a house and said that soon will come the ambulance and take me to the hospital. Then a car came, and my sister the nurse took me to the hospital. It was a frontline hospital under Laborcom. I stayed there for two months. There I regained health. I only knew that more than a week was generally unconscious and took care of me as a baby. I will never forget,” admitted Czeslaw Lewandowski, the Warsaw uprising of 1944.

According to Lewandowski, today it is incredibly painful to watch as in his native demolition of the monument to the liberators of Poland. “This was definitely a release, how else can this Trakto tovati? I was threatened with death, exile, were continually threatened with the humiliation of the Germans, and suddenly the Germans broke, they disappeared. Came another army, and I can freely walk the streets, nobody in the me does not shoot, not kill. How else can we call?” – the veteran said.

In 2004, the Polish capital was opened new Museum of the Warsaw uprising. The initiator of its creation was the late Lech Kaczynski — one of the most famous proponents of “two occupations”. We turned to the Museum Directorate with the request to allow us the shots of the exhibition and give an interview for the story, dedicated to the liberation of Warsaw. The answer was negative.

Press Secretary of the Museum of Anna Matanovic told us that filming the group refused, but for some reason, never explained. We decided to find out what secrets can hide from us plain Polish Museum and why his employees don’t want to publicly share their point of view on the history of the liberation of Warsaw. In addition, the ban on filming and access to information seem to be particularly silly in the mouths of people, telling tourists about the horrors of censorship and the restrictions of totalitarianism.

the Museum Exposition occupies three thousand square meters. The first thing I see his visitors — a large map of Poland, made in accordance with the prevailing opinion here on the history of the Second world war. Poland is an innocent victim of two totalitarian regimes — Hitler’s and Stalin’s. In accordance with this theory, no release was not, and was only the replacement of one occupation to another. However, the explanatory label somehow written not “Soviet” but “Russian” invasion. Still, all the troubles of the poles primarily to blame for the Russians.

most of the rooms are dedicated to the heroism, suffering and victims of the rebels. Information about the victims of the red Army is missing. Under that Rokossovsky, painted red, signed: “Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky the commander of the First Byelorussian front, and in inverted commas – “liberator” of Polish territory.

the Materials on the red Army and its Polish allies are placed in a small corridor leading to the Museum café. Every few minutes, here is the famous song “the Sacred war”. On the wall — photos of Soviet soldiers with Polish women and children. Under it the caption: “Liberators” from red Army to feel free and easy on Polish territory.” On one stand we found information about 600 thousand Soviet soldiers who died to Poland reappeared on the map of Europe. But there is a caricature of Stalin.

the Soviet leader has Poland a hammer on the head and pointing to her throat hammer with the words: “I am your Saviour, freed you from Nazism.” Torn weight with a swastika appears on this background, the lesser evil. Victims of Stalin, but not the Germans, the soldiers of the Polish army that tried to help the rebels. On the explanatory label and said: “victims of the policies of uncle Joe.” Hereinafter: “the Attempted landing failed, only Stalin was pleased. He could avoid charges that did not help the uprising”. Probably the pinnacle of modern Polish museology can be considered the signature under the portrait of Stalin: “the Soviet incarnation of the devil Stalin.”

“I think what is happening today in Poland Orgy unconsciousness. Blasphemy of its own history, on our common history. A crime against the universal story that can be regarded as, when the demolition of the monument? The planned demolition 230 monuments of gratitude to the red Army, where there was fighting, where we bled together. That is, the intention to create a historical vacuum regarding the true events that occurred in 1939-1945”, — says Mikhail Myagkov.

the Russian state archive of contemporary history in Moscow. Its Director, Igor Permyakov showed us the unique documents from former Soviet archives that completely destroy contemporary Polish concept of “two occupations”. That is why today you will not find in any Polish Museum. This resolution, orders and coded messages, including signed by Stalin, on the provision of urgent assistance to the population devastated by the Germans in Poland.

“the Unique document signed March 30, 1945, which said that our troops were given the task of the State defence Committee of the shipment population of Poland of grain, and in February — 20 thousand tons, in March — 20 thousand tons, in April — 20 thousand tons. Shipped 23 400 tons. That is more than planned. And to whom shipped? The local population of Polish in order for it to not die, to exist normally. Who? Warring army, which, in turn, was fighting and tore off these products from your population. The document signed by the chief of rear of red Army”, — said Igor Permyakov.

Some of Stalin’s orders regarding the transfer of Polish farms of hundreds of trucks from the reserves of the red Army, as well as the supplies to the survivors of Polish enterprises from the Soviet Union cotton, wool and leather — in order to be able to resume work.

“And here is another unique document, which reflects the fact that the Red Army passed the seed Poland: wheat, barley, oats, rye, grain, peas, beans, buckwheat, corn. But I was most struck by this fact. I have a lot of documents seen, but it struck me especially. Cabbage, cucumbers, onions flown in from Moscow. What does this mean? It’s April 1945. The storming of Berlin is fighting in full swing, and we are planes from Moscow supplied the seed for the workers of Poland!” – said Igor Permyakov.

These documents speak for themselves.

Text: “Inesti of the week”