Deputy of the state Duma of the Crimea, Deputy head of the international Committee of the lower house of Natalia Polonskaya called the result of sick imagination of the accusations of the Ukrainian Prosecutor’s office to address her and the Crimean judges.
Earlier, the Ukrainian media with reference to the Prosecutor of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (such a position still exists in the Prosecutor’s office of Ukraine), Igor Ponownego announced the former Prosecutor of the Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya Crimean judges were given under article 438 of the Ukrainian criminal code (“Violation of the laws or customs of war”). The processes in the framework of the case against the Crimean employees of the judiciary are conducted in absentia, RIA Novosti reported.
Russia offers to consider: perhaps “Prosecutor” Ponochevny “is actually a Martian and doesn’t know that in the Crimea there was not military action?” The message about accusations of Kiev Poklonskaya described as the stuffing information or “sick fantasy of a person having absolutely no relation to the prosecution or investigation.”
At the same time, she says, accusing it of committing war crimes, Ponochevny don’t know what episode its professional activity that accusation to bind.
Meanwhile, in his Telegram-channel Poklonskaya told about made for its reception on the issues of citizenship of the numerous complaints of problems with obtaining Russian passports in the Crimea. Some people, she said, the passport is not issued from-for absence of the document on refusal of citizenship of Ukraine, while others require written proof of being in the Crimea during the referendum of 2014.
“And there are hundreds of stories… the Bureaucracy came to the mad degree of the absurd!” writes Poklonskaya.
According to her, these problems “create a separate officials, separate immigration officers”, which our people cannot return to their country and to feel themselves as full citizens. Poklonskaya intends to investigate each such case and seeks the support of ruof management to the competent authorities.
Ex-Prosecutor of Crimea spoke about the downed in Iran Ukrainian passenger “the Boeing”. According to her, those who gave the order and launched missiles, should be punished, and would also like to hear the answer to the main question: why did this happen?
Tehran, she says, must pay compensation to the families of the victims and a formal apology, but the responsibility falls on US, unleashed a conflict in the middle East the murder of the Iranian General Qassem Soleimani.
Outraged, according to Poklonski, “careless complacency of the airlines”, not cancel flights: those who allowed the flight, she also sees fit to punish. Until you have taken adequate measures, there is a risk of repetition of such “mistakes,” she added, and then the “worthless all the loud statements about international security and the priority of universal values”.