Deputy of the State Duma Natalia Poklonskaya admitted that he made a mistake in the history of film by Alexei Uchitel “Matilda”. According to her, now she wouldn’t talk about his opinion about the movie out loud.
Natalia Poklonskaya in a radio interview to “Komsomolskaya Pravda” said that in politics you have to be a creative person. According to her, no need to say “eyes”, as does the Prosecutor charge anyone anything, as it was with the movie “Matilda”. Taylor admitted that he had mixed his personal attitude, what she is now would not began to speak publicly as a result of the experience. The MP stressed that there are things that should not be broadcast because they are spiritual and they should be protected.
According to Poklonski, she did not call then to resist. The Deputy noted that the experience gained as a Prosecutor imposes a certain worldview. Poklonski stressed that thinking “on prosecution” is wrong in politics because it is a delicate matter. The Deputy noted that to achieve goals in the political sphere always need to say the obvious right in the forehead.
the Film by Alexei Uchitel “Matilda” has caused a wide public resonance. Natalia Poklonskaya has asked the Prosecutor General to check the movie. The MP also urged to revoke issued to the movie rental license. According to policy, scientists did a comprehensive examination of materials, “Matilda”, which allowed to establish that the image of Nicholas II, created in the movie, does not meet canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.