the Photographer from St. Petersburg At the Alexander was sentenced to four years and seven months in a General regime colony for violent actions of sexual character concerning minors. In the case where a number of other people who have forced children to give false testimony and threatened with murder.
in violation of all legal and ethical activity of man was engaged in nearly four years, from 2005 to 2008. Brykov led to his apartment of the orphanage children, removed from their participation pornographic material. In addition, the photographer committed against children, violent sexual acts.
the court also considered the criminal case against the former tutor of children’s home Valentina Mikhailova, a former graduate of the social institutions Mikhail Nikitin, and also the relative of one of the accused Vyacheslav Priamikov. After law enforcement authorities learned about the egregious violations against children, the aforementioned individuals were minors forced to give false testimony, evading them. Orphans blackmailed and threatened them with murder, this was reported on the website of the Investigative Committee.