Passenger transport Petrozavodsk fully returned to work today. Head of Karelia Arthur Parfenchikov has told about it on his Facebook page, reports GTRK “Karelia”. As you know, last week on roads of the city are already out of the trolley.

Today on the city lines will return to the buses, in which not less than 18 seats. The public transport will be carried out under the strictest of security measures, the Governor said. All participants are required to be in masks and gloves. The number of passengers must match the number of seats. Next to the door appears sanitiser for hands. After the end of the route, the whole car fumigated.

According to information from governments in the region over the past day identified 11 new cases COVID-19, from the bottom seven residents of the city. Beat the disease eight, is also the capital of the Republic. Since the beginning of the epidemic in the Republic of Karelia ill 382 people. 143 patient has been cured. More than four and a half thousand are home quarantined.

Text: GTRK “Karelia”