In the main Church of the country was the Christmas service, led by Patriarch Kirill. In the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, people came from different parts of Russia. There’s also a Christmas night and Dmitry Medvedev with his family. One of the main religious holidays — throughout the country are treated with special awe.

a Solemn Christmas service in the main Church of the country begins an hour before midnight, service is headed by Patriarch Kirill.

In the temple of Christ the Savior of thousands of believers at the Liturgy there is Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev with his wife. Christmas the Prime Minister met in the temple traditionally. During the service, next to Dmitry Medvedev, the pupils of the Sunday schools. Uniting millions of people this holiday special, he is one of the most important in the Church calendar.

“God is perfect and omnipotent reveals himself to the meek and humble in the Bethlehem cave. Invisible and unknowable He is making himself felt and seen, says the Patriarch. — We are all his children, and therefore in him and through him the relatives to each other”.

All night in all the churches and monasteries was the festive service.

Christmas has changed the history of mankind. Embodied in the meek baby God is now present in the world. And the world in which man no longer feels abandoned and lonely, being present in God.

In Chukotka in this festive night the thermometer dropped to minus 40. But to worship in the temples, including the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Anadyr, it’s a huge number of parishioners.

Festive services were celebrated in all Orthodox churches on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

hundreds of believers met the Holy for the Christians the day under the domes of the Pokrovsky Cathedral in Vladivostok.

In Magadan at the Holy Trinity Cathedral a festive divine service was officiated by the Archbishop of Magadan and Sinegorsk John.

the Crowded holiday met in Novosibirsk. In ascension Cathedral prichly more than a thousand believers, many with their families.

a very special last night was in the capital of the Urals Yekaterinburg. To feel the atmosphere of the festival, hundreds of parishioners came to Holy Trinity Cathedral, and after midnight were in no hurry to go home.

Christmas day it was Holy for our country the land of the ancient Chersonese where baptized Prince Vladimir.

The festive night ended with a forty-day Christmas fast. In the hearts of men — spiritual renewal and a bright joy. Praise the coming of the Savior Orthodox Christians will be 12 days before Epiphany.