Thursday, may 28, Orthodox believers celebrate the ascension of the Lord — one of the most important Church holidays. It is celebrated on the 40th day after Easter in commemoration of the events of the last days of the earthly journey of Jesus Christ.

In accordance with the ecclesiastical Canon, this festival is celebrated for 10 days and ends before Pentecost. On the eve of the ascension of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill celebrated the divine Liturgy at the Church of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky in the same skete near Peredelkino, it was in compliance with all imposed over the limitations of coronavirus, reports TASS.

according To biblical history, on the 40th day after the resurrection Jesus Christ took the disciples to Bethany — a village near Jerusalem on the slope of the mount of olives, where he commanded the apostles not to leave town without receiving the Holy gift, and then go preach the gospel around the world. After blessing the disciples, Jesus Christ ascended before their eyes into heaven and 10 days later in Jerusalem on the apostles the Holy Spirit came in the form of flames, which gave them knowledge of different languages and the strength to preach the teachings of Jesus.

In the folk calendar ascension day is the day of memory of deceased parents and ancestors. To honor them, the faithful were preparing funeral meals, which was carried to the fields, believing that this will ensure a good harvest. On the feast of the ascension also baked special breads in the form of stairs, symbolizing the way of Jesus Christ into heaven and the coming of the second coming.