Russian President Vladimir Putin will deliver his annual address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Wednesday, January 15. The event will be attended by the Governor of Primorsky Krai Oleg Kozhemyako, reported STRC “Vladivostok”.
the President’s address to the Federal Assembly is the annual speech of the President, in which he indicates the main directions of development of the country, including provisions on foreign and domestic policy, economy, social and other fields, and puts the appropriate tasks to the Russian government and Parliament. As reported in the press service of the government of Primorye, this year the number of topics – the solution of social problems, including overcoming poverty. According to Vladimir Putin, the main task is reducing the number of people living on minimum wage. The head of state stressed that he is “concerned that there was a stagnation in real income of the population.”
the reading of the document will start at 12.00 Moscow time. Traditionally, the event will be attended by the representatives of the Federation Council, State Duma deputies, government members, heads of the constitutional and Supreme courts, governors, Chairpersons of regional Legislative assemblies, public figures. Live broadcasting of the Message will lead “the First channel” “Russia 1”, “OTR”, “World”, and sites “Вести.Ru” and “Russia 1”.
Recall, the previous President’s address to the Federal Assembly was held in February 2019. Then the President of Russia has focused on issues of domestic social and economic development of Russia. Special attention was paid to the tasks set in the may Decree “On the national goals and strategic objectives development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024”, which establishes and approves the national projects of the country in 12 directions. Following the meeting, Vladimir Putin approved a list of porocheny of 13 points. Among them is the social support of citizens, including pensioners and large families, tax cuts and mortgage rates, the development of medicine and education, digitalisation, promotion and others.
Text: GTRK “Vladivostok”