the voice apparatus of man in most cases appear in persons for whom voice is the primary professional tool. To speech professions requiring special attention to the ligaments, will include singers, speakers, teachers, people giving vocal lessons, artists, leading to radio and television, the staff at the call centers, translators, trainers diction guides and so on. Because of the professional activities of these people are in the main group of risk and can disrupt the voice just for one day.

Main causes of development of occupational diseases

Among the main factors in the development of occupational diseases of the vocal apparatus – the regular strain of the ligaments as a result of hoarseness and altered diction. When people daily and systematically perform their professional responsibilities and absolutely no release time for vacation, the problem is not long to wait.

to get the voice to quickly it will take time, and the representatives of voice and speech professions it is due to the loss of skills and, therefore, money.

By the way, for quick regeneration of voice professionals choose Homeovox is a special tablet for the treatment and prevention of the loss of voice, osiplosti, hoarseness, fatigue, pain, and spasm of the ligaments and discomfort in the throat. The drug from the first day will soften the symptoms and allow to reduce terms of recovery.

If a person regularly raises his voice, plus not clever reorganization, adjust power and pitch, and does not follow the articulation is also leads to overexertion of the vocal folds.

the voice Mechanism, called register to vote may change. Improper diction person, especially one who works with foreign languages, straining the muscles of the neck causing the throat deforms and served a little forward, and the vocal cords lose their tone and elasticity, stiffen.

As you already realized the strain of the ligaments is the main problem for people whose voice plays a key role in their professionalism. But there are also some other professional ailments are not associated with overexertion. This could include:

Nervous anxiety, work, emotional stress, abnormal development of the voice.In a room with poor acoustics and a strong extraneous noise.Sudden changes in pressure and temperature of the air in the room.High dryness of the air and the contamination of the environment.It also encourages professional diseases of the larynx inflammation goes untreated nasal disease, Smoking and alcohol consumption.

If the person is prone to allergies, the body can react to stimuli and this would also affect the voice.

it is Important to understand that among the people whose professions connected with oratory, singing and just regular raising the voice, in 84% of cases periodically confronted with problems of the pharynx and larynx. And the more experience a person has, the higher the risk of developing occupational diseases.

How to diagnose changes in her voice

the Voice box is the main instrument of work of many people. If a person suffers from excessive fatigue, over time, the voice can get to lose its range, occurs in the throat scratchy and dry. In advanced cases we can talk about the nodules in the larynx.

As a rule, people who have an increased voice load for a long time, more likely to have voice disorders. If they are not diagnose and do not take proper measures, it is possible for even complete loss of voice.

the Diseases are both functional and organic type. Diseases of functional type is often monasterii. Speaking in plain language, it is a typical neurosis of the ligaments, which most often occurs in people with unstable mentality.

the cause of the manifestations of this disease is a high load on the voice and interaction with many negativepleasant factors, stress, nervous exhaustion. The man, who was diagnosed with falastine, complains that his voice gets tired quickly and in the throat there is a tickling and the tickling can sometimes added a burning sensation and pain, cramps, or increased salivation.

In the early stages the voice is not changed, is characterized by normal tone, even when viewed with a scope and no significant deviations are seen. Correct voice training is possible only with a comprehensive diagnosis of the General condition of the larynx. A slight shake or the incorrect reduction of the vocal cords in the early stages of the disease is almost not noticeable, but with the development of finasterie vibration will become more visible and will bring a lot of trouble.

with regard to organic disponi, here, doctors often attribute the nodes of the singer and chronic laryngitis. Rarely, but still sometimes there are ulcers on the vocal cords. In this case, dramatically change the range of voice, may occur aphonia instant.

in order to accurately determine the professional nature of the loss or hoarseness is necessary to study not only the history, but also to take into account all sorts of factors that can affect the voice and status of the larynx. Here belong:

drinking alcohol, Smoking,possible injury;psychological environment around the person, etc.

working Conditions must be based on sanitary-hygienic norms and to determine the optimal load according to the tone of voice.
the Norm for people whose professions are connected with the ongoing work of the vocal apparatus for wear, is considered to be no more than 20 hours per week. If the work takes place in adverse conditions, this number should be reduced.

Treatment of diseases of the vocal apparatus and voice training

If a man has some disease of the vocal apparatus, the essence of the treatment should be based on the elimination of inflammatory processes in GortonI. In any case, if was discovered dysphonia, a person must comply with the personal hygiene of voice, the investigator is the optimal mode of the day, not SuperCool, give your ligaments to relax, devote time to the training of voice. For the treatment it is important to remember:

if in the larynx are chronic infectious foci, we need a comprehensive anti-inflammatory therapy, as well as the required physician antihistamines.Can’t do without inhalation. If in the larynx detected subatrophic process, then inhalation need to add biostimulants and vitamin C, and zinc, suspension novocaine and so on.Good to sing, to recite and not to feel discomfort helps electrophoresis with vitamin E and potassium chloride.Also effective is gargling with warm infusion of chamomile or sage.

proved to be Excellent preparation Homeovox is a multicomponent tool that is designed to fight against acute and chronic problems the voices of various etiologies, hoarseness, aphonia, and just fatigue of the vocal cords. Has been in operation since the first days of admission.

Prevention of occupational diseases voices

in order not to lose their working ability and not to lose skills, people voice and speech professions must pay attention to the prevention of occupational diseases.

it is important to consider many factors:

Inculcating correct hygiene speech and voice training. This is extremely important because how a person relates to his main instrument and the conditions in which work, directly affects the quality of labor.Learning public speaking. You need to understand that courses of oratorical skill required for proper voice training. Thanks to special exercises and selection of training under the corresponding register of voice, and correct configuration of the vocal apparatus, minimizes the strain on your vocal cords, properly built, the air flow that passes through the vocal apparatus.Breathing exercises withtion for vocals. Necessary not only in order to sing well or to take high notes, but also for the General training of the voice. There are lots of complexes, where in a special way chosen exercises for teachers, singers, speakers, coaches and so on.Work in a comfortable emotional environment. Man must respond appropriately to the surrounding situation, otherwise problems with the vocal apparatus can gain serious.Eliminate chronic and acute infections of the upper respiratory tract. After the problem is completely fixed, need more time to raise the issue concerning suitability and in no case do not throw exercises for the voice.

if the doctor diagnosed acute or chronic disease of the larynx or pharynx, atrophic disorders of the mucosa – this is a contraindication to work in a field where the professional voice is subjected to loads.

Exercises to increase lung capacity

Consider some exercises to increase lung capacity and improve the “breath”. The increase in lung capacity are able to ease breathing, to make it more deep and even increase the voice range. So, let’s start:

Lie flat on your back, straighten and slowly inhale belly. Should to breathe slowly to not heard was the sound of your thoracic breathing. Such full breaths need to do 5-7. This will help to remove stagnant in the breast of air.The second exercise on the breathing. Sit up straight, take a deep breath. On the exhale, try to squeeze out the lungs the maximum amount of air, then inhale in stages through small gaps. At the end of inhalation hold your breath for as long as possible.Quickly increase lung capacity and help to learn the correct breathing exercise with resistance. For this you need to initially breathe normally through your nose, then take a few deep breaths, and exhale with the mouth only a small portion of air through closed lips.Breathe in the air Bowhere than usual you can breathe. Then hold for a few seconds and try to breathe in small SIPS. One should feel the belly expand and then try to hold it for a few seconds. At the end of the exhale air a strong push.

These exercises are suitable for singers, speakers, teachers, coaches and many other members of the voice and speech professions. If you pay due attention to prevention, the right to engage in voice training, to monitor their psycho-emotional state and labour hygiene, professional problems of the voice box you will not affect.