In recent days in Russia revealed 8 946 confirmed cases of coronavirus infection. Thus, the total number of cases rose to 353 of 427 people, according to Oberstar.

43,7% of the new infected there are no symptoms of the disease.

in General In the country the tendency to decrease the number of new cases after a peak in the first half of may, when the day was identified for 11 thousand infected. For the tenth day in a row, the number of detected per day cases does not exceed 10 thousand people. So, on the eve of the 24th of may, it was revealed nearly 8 600 new cases 23 may — 9 400, and 22, 21 and 20 may, this number rocked in the area 8 800 — 8 700 cases a day.

Recovered from the disease already 118 798 patients (including 5 499 in the last day).

Died from the coronavirus 3 633 people. For the last day was 92 fatalities — this figure fell by one-third, after the record high mortality the day before, when the country was 153 death per day.