On TV channel “Russia 1” the famous doctor and TV presenter Alexander Myasnikov said the TV viewer who complained that her dreams began to numb the hand.

the Woman drew attention to the fact that she got it after a job and a cashier in the dairy section of the store.

“For 12 hours a day in the refrigerator, well, and in addition we still have to carry the boxes” — she said, suggesting that numb hands can be associated with the new work.

Dr. Miasnikov explained that we are talking about the so-called tunnel syndrome when the two pinched nerve.

as a result, the doctor said, a narrow tunnel formed by the bones of the wrist and the broad ligament that encloses it.

Telemacanique it is advised to check the thyroid gland – the numbness may be related to that.

in addition, Dr. Myasnikov was advised to put on a special night lagetko and take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

“Not dangerous, but sometimes painful”, — concluded the expert.