In North Ossetia has already recorded nearly 2,700 cases of infection with coronavirus. Hospitals continue to accept patients, added additional space for patients. Also, for the people work and special call centers.
Now, with caution we can say that Ossetia for growth in the number infected with coronaviruses came out on the plateau for almost two weeks daily is registered about 70 new cases. But this figure Ossetia is quite impressive. Hospitals in regimes of non-stop continue to accept patients, including severe.
meanwhile, ambulance crews work overloaded, ambulance forced to stand in a queue in front of receiving offices for several hours.
Meanwhile, Republican hospital continues to increase bed capacity, including opening new intensive care unit. Over the quality of healthcare following the Russian popular front. Control and payments to health care providers.
In North Ossetia earned a single line of help and support. This call center will combine all the hot lines of the Republic. Here toll free phone numbers to contact on various issues. The line works a couple of days, but already receives about 200 hits per hour.
runs Parallel to the line of electronic communication, there is also a center of monitoring of the situation throughout the country. Located in the hall of the panels is determined by the index of isolation as in Vladikavkaz and in areas of the country. If the experts recorded in any of the areas of concentration of people, right here is an alert that people kept their distance or were at home.
today, the Republic recorded nearly 2,700 cases, 31 people died. At the same time, more than a thousand cases recovered.