Вести.Ru and the Russian aid Fund have teamed up to help seriously ill children. In the framework of the project we talk about the children, their parents, who are in trouble, sorrow and need, desperate to find money for the treatment. There is nothing worse than suffering child – and nothing more joyful than his recovery. Every week we tell stories about children to raise funds for their treatment. Without your help the children can not cope.
Today we tell about seven-year-old male, the Girls from Krasnodar.
the boy has a malignant spinal cord tumor, he already had a serious operation and long-term treatment, due to which for some time has been improved. But recently the disease returned and attacked the male with renewed vigor. The only chance for survival is proton therapy. But the treatment is worth about 3 million rubles. For parents of Zachary prohibitive amount.
a letter From Alla Gurova, mother of Zechariah: “in the Summer of 2018, my son got sick right hand, the doctors prescribed physiotherapy, but nothing helped, Zahara was getting worse. The muscles of the arms and legs weakened, the son could no longer walk. Zachary examined, had an MRI of the spinal cord – and it turned out that in the thoracic spine formed a malignant tumor! Son operated, but completely remove the tumor are unable because of the threat of damage to the spinal cord. More than a year male underwent chemotherapy, and last summer the long-awaited remission. The son was able to walk again, felt good, and felt about this terrible disease can be forgotten. But, alas, before the New year the cancer returned and the tumor had metastasized to the brain and spinal cord. Surgically remove them is impossible. To kill tumor cells will help only proton therapy. Treatment paid, costs a lot of money to take them nowhere. We have two children, my husband works, I take care of my son. Zach’s a good boy, learned to read in three years. To the disease on holidays in the kindergarten sang and recited poems. Please help us save our boy!”
For spastion of the male Gurova not enough RUB 770 136
Head of the Department of radiation therapy proton therapy Center Medical Institute named after Sergei Berezin Nikolay Vorobyov (St. Petersburg): “the male malignancy – atypical teratoid-abdeidna spinal cord tumor. Intensive treatment initially helped for a while, managed to bring the boy in remission, but four months ago he had a relapse, the tumor has grown and metastasized. Zahara urgently needs proton therapy which will allow aiming to destroy tumor cells, without damaging surrounding healthy tissue. This method of treatment is the most effective and sparing for the baby.”
Cost of proton therapy 624 2 850 RUB
96 468 RUB gathered viewers GTRK “Kuban”
1 020 984 RUB gathered readers rbc.ru, lenta.ru, vkpress.ru, dg-yug.ru, kuban.plus.rbc.ru, nrnews.ru, yuga.ru and rusfond.ru
Not enough RUB 770 136
Rusfond (the Russian aid Fund) was established in the fall of 1996 for the help to authors of desperate letters in “Kommersant”. Having checked up letters, we place them in the “y” on the sites rusfond.ru, kommersant.ru in the air of RTR and radio “Faith” in social networks, as well as in 147 print, television and online media. Possible transfers from the Bank cards, electronic cash and the SMS, including from abroad (details on rusfond.ru). We just help you to help. Just collected more than 14,524 bn In 2020 (21 may) collected 463 400 865 RUB, the assistance received 413 children. Rusfond is the winner of the national award “Silver Archer” for the year 2000 is included in the register of NGOs – performers of public utility services. In 2019 Rusfond won a presidential grant for the project “Coincidence. Expedition marrow donor”, and its national RDCM presidential grant for the project “Academy donation of bone Mozha,” the grant of mayor of Moscow for the project “Save a life – become a bone marrow donor” and a grant from the Department of labor and social protection of population of Moscow for the project “Capital of twins.” The President of the Russian aid Fund Lev Ambinder – laureate of the State prize of the Russian Federation.
Fund Address: 125315, Moscow, and/I 110;
rusfond.ru; e-mail: rusfond@rusfond.ru
Applications for iPhone and Android rusfond.ru/app
Phone: 8-800-250-75-25 (toll-free in Russia), 8 (495) 926-35-63 from 10:00 to 20:00